







厕所培训是令人生畏的 - 可能是超过7000多本亚马逊的厕所训练相关书籍会告诉你。这7000本书也是一个线索,有很多不同的方法或建议,以便做到“正确”或“最好的”方式。值得庆幸的是,我相信有一些简单的原则可以帮助整理它:


厕所培训是一个典型的发展中国家必须在某些时候实现的,以满足个人卫生和参与他或她更广泛的社会的文化期望。换句话说,未经厕所火车的孩子可能会受到社会尴尬和排斥的影响,并无法上学或参加课外活动。As a parent, then, you have two main goals: (1) facilitate your child’s success in toilet training in a timeframe that helps him/her to continue his/her social development and expected educational trajectory, and (2) do so in a way that does not produce feelings of shame, guilt, and anxiety in your child. Looking for a third goal? (3) Don’t torture yourself in the process.


第一步是评估您孩子对厕所培训的准备情况。Developmental readiness encompasses the ability to sense the need to pee or poop, the ability to communicate that sensation to a caregiver, the ability to sit steadily on the toilet seat – whether a toddler’s potty chair or modification of the regular toilet – and to devote his or her attention to the task at hand for a sufficient period of time. Some experts recommend the ability to pull his or her pants up and down, but initially your child will be accompanied to the toilet 100% of the time, and I consider this less necessary than the other requirements. In addition to this, your child should display interest in using the potty and a desire to be “clean” or be rid of diapers. Children display interest in a variety of ways, including following parents into the bathroom, asking questions, making observations and reporting when the diaper needs changing. Even after these signs appear, it may take weeks or months for the child to progress from curiosity to toilet training action, and it is important for the parent to be attuned to the child’s interest and open to his or her questions. It is helpful for parents to agree on what they consider to be appropriate terminology within the household for these bodily functions and to be consistent in their use in order to avoid creating confusion for the child.

思考你的时候厕所培训时间表,重要的是要将您的孩子作为刚刚尝试掌握任务的人。没有证据表明厕所培训的时机与情报或生命中未来的成功有任何关联。My very bright, socially adept son may have been the last in his daycare class to complete toilet training (I’m not actually sure, since I made a conscious decision not to create comparisons), but he was within the same general timeline, completely within reported age norms, and well before he needed to enter the diaper-free zone known as preschool. Your child will eventually perceive the need to conform to this social expectation, and the process will be completed more quickly and painlessly on his/her timeline than on an imposed one. There is currently no evidence to support the idea that offering a reward – other than the intrinsic rewards of being “more grown up” and being rid of diapers – will create the necessary motivation to complete toilet training. Positive reinforcement even for small attempts at progress is encouraged – go ahead and be very liberal with your praise. Most importantly, discipline or shaming has no place in a successful toilet training process and is more likely to prolong or delay it. Negative comparisons to other children’s progress should be avoided, and once training is underway, the inevitable accidents should be met with a matter-of-fact change of clothing and an “It’s OK – we’ll get it the next time!” Frequent accidents are generally an indication that the child is not quite ready, and at that point you should resume the use of diapers until the child expresses interest in trying again. Remember, too, that nighttime dryness is generally achieved somewhat later than daytime dryness, and your child may require a diaper or “pull up” at night for some time after daytime toilet training is achieved.




