

孩子们真是太有趣了!这就是我成为儿科医生的原因。是啊,而且我喜欢看到别人成功。帮助父母或孩子克服疾病、行为问题甚至母乳喂养障碍等困难是非常值得的。我想要一个领域,在那里我可以为家庭带来巨大而持久的改变,在工作中享受乐趣,并有时间陪伴自己的家庭——作为一名儿科医生,我发现了这一点。我自己也是两个孩子的母亲;苏菲和杰克分别是5岁和8岁,当医生最难的就是和他们分开。我最近离了婚,和许多父母一样,我也在克服障碍,因为他们正在更新自己对家庭的定义。当我不工作的时候,我会充分利用和孩子们在一起的每一分钟,并建议我的病人的父母也这样做。我还提醒他们——也提醒我自己:养育一个孩子需要整个村子的力量。 Lean on your friends, family and pediatrician! Not a one of us is alone, and chances are good another mom or dad has asked the same question you are struggling with. Kristen Bruno, MD, is a pediatrician with Purely Pediatrics, a Washington University Clinical Associates practice located in the St. Louis Children’s Hospital Specialty Care Clinic. She received her medical degree and completed training at Washington University School of Medicine at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. For inquiries and appointments, call 314-454-5500.